So I tend to be the kind of person who has two speeds – 0 and 110. There is no in-between, it’s all-or-nothing. This is how I can be a person who so desperately craves order, stability, and tidiness and
The Art of Neatification
*crossposted from Seven Deadly Divas* Neatifying* is a valuable skill, especially for a homeowner or apartment dweller with the occasional unexpected guest. Neatifying is NOT cleaning. Cleaning is what you do on a regular basis (hopefully) with some kind of
Cat + Blinds + Can of air = Hilarity
Cat: nomnomnom Anna: “NO!” Cat: nomnomnom Anna: /swat Cat: nomnomnom Anna: FSSSSSSSHHHT! Cat: OSHITSCRAMBLEVANISH (I don’t know where the squirt gun is, or normally I’d have used that. But the can of air on my desk from cleaning out the