A post celebrating #RadesDay – the birthday of our friend Rades – Mike Eng – who passed away at the end of August.
The Moody Blues
Note: this is not about the English rock band So most of you who’ve been around for any length of time know that I have bipolar disorder. I’m not quite true Bipolar I, but it’s more intense than Bipolar II.
Holy Crap This Blog is Old
So I had an idle thought today and paged through WordPress to see when I created this blog. First post is on 17 April 2008. I created this space to have a place to put my ramblings that didn’t have
maggie and milly and molly and may
maggie and milly and molly and may went down to the beach(to play one day) and maggie discovered a shell that sang so sweetly she couldn’t remember her troubles,and milly befriended a stranded star whose rays five languid fingers were;
Morning wins and losses
So, I am not recently very good at mornings. This is bad, because I get up at 5:15 and am in the car by 5:45 if my morning is going correctly. This morning, I got up a few minutes early
Goals for 2015
This year, I will drink more tea. I will read more books. I will let the cat snuggle in my lap, even when I am wearing black pants. I will do more yoga, walk more, hug more people and more
Pants 3: Anna 0
So let me preface this by saying that I have been unemployed since September, and as such Laundry Duties are usually mine. The scene this morning, around 8am: SSH: “I have no pants.” Me: “No pants? But I did laundry
Go Fly a Kite
It’s funny the little things that remind you of other things. Right now my neighbor and his three kids are in our cul-de-sac, running around with an octopus kite. The sound of giggling and flip-flops is wafting in through my
(Inspired by a twitter conversation with Temerity Jane, Awlbiste, and Naithin) I make no secret of my love of animals. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, even fish and reptiles (and amphibians!) are worthy of admiration from me. Yes, I’m the weirdo
2 down, a lifetime to go
Two years ago today, I woke up in a hotel room in downtown Houston, opened the blinds up of my 18th floor room, and felt my heart sag just a little. It was, in fact, pouring rain. The kind of