Doing some updates around the blog – I’ve actually been keeping this site for over 10 years, and (unsurprisingly) my interests in that time have changed pretty dramatically. So the categories and tags really need tidying up and such. Also
Holy Crap This Blog is Old
So I had an idle thought today and paged through WordPress to see when I created this blog. First post is on 17 April 2008. I created this space to have a place to put my ramblings that didn’t have
Flex nibs and flexibility
Sometimes I think my brain inherently seeks balance. Or rather, that it craves balance, and I use my various hobbies and interests to help with that balance. I find myself involved in a lot of long-term pursuits. I’m 3 months
Day 30
Well, I made it. 30 days and blog posts later, I completed NaNo Blog Thing. While I’m not sure I’m a better blogger for it (this was more about getting back into my blogging groove than it was about learning
NaNo What Now?
Many NaNo’s. Handle it. NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) has spawned a whole batch of NaNo tadpoles these days; people inspired by the idea of doing something creative for 30 days in a row, bolstered and supported by a community
The Difference between Choice and Failure
Failure. Ugly word, ugly connotations, ugly mental constructs built to avoid it. I was reading an article recently about when to stop doing something, and it kind of tweaked my brain about failure versus changing your mind. From the original
How I Write
In 10 simple steps, my creative process for blogging and writing short stories: Step 1 – Have an idea. Possibly mine said idea out of twitter, emails, conversations, comments, or creative friends Step 2 – Start writing something. Be unhappy
E: All of the Above
Blogs are odd critters. They’re not journals, though sometimes they act like journals. They’re not conversations, even if they sometimes act like conversations. They’re not forums, but sometimes they act like forums. They’re not performing art, though sometimes they act
On Blogging
While the writing of an angry email or post is often incredibly cathartic, posting it is usually about as effective as writing a really angry letter and sending it. You might feel better or vindicated now, but you’ll probably feel
I’ve always been fascinated with art – for as long as I can remember really, even back as a tiny little thing, I’ve had a great deal of envy for people with visual creativity. The closest I’ve ever come is