I went on vacation from 8/4-8/10 (didn’t take a computer) and came home to no internet. Without internet, I’m stuck to my work computer, and only during work hours, for blogging due to server issues with the permissions needed to
Hold Please

I went on vacation from 8/4-8/10 (didn’t take a computer) and came home to no internet. Without internet, I’m stuck to my work computer, and only during work hours, for blogging due to server issues with the permissions needed to
If, by chance, you are perusing a blog that is dedicated to Instant Pot recipes, it is really really pretentiously shitty of you to say something like “I don’t ever intend to buy an Instant Pot. Please convert this recipe
I play my first D&D game with the new group tonight. We’re not jumping right away into campaign 2 for them, instead taking a month to do some one-shots or short 2-3 game campaigns. The first actual game will be
One of the most frequent questions I get as a bookseller is a variation on “What should I read next?” (It’s not the top question. That’s “Do you have a book?” followed by “Where’s the bathroom?”) It’s actually a fun
I am not a Facebook apologist. I frequently am frustrated with it, check it mostly to delete invitations to parties from friends I’ve not seen in 12 years and who live halfway across the country and to block applications from
Let me preface this story by saying that both Comcast (for cable/internet) and AT&T (for wired land phone lines) have no competition in our area if you want *cable* TV and a dial tone that is a LAND line, not