A quick google search on tips for commuters turned up a really interesting Lifehacker post, that claims the average US commute is 50 minutes. Having never commuted more than 30 minutes in my life (unless you count the “commute” from
C is for…
There is something extremely rewarding when, after spending all morning being sad you can’t eat the bagels someone got for a meeting, or the tray of cookies leftover from a lunch conference, you suddenly realize that you brought your own
New Beginnings
This week starts my 8th week at my new job. In some ways, the new routine has become normal. In others… not so much. For one thing, the schedule is radically different from working at the bookstore – not so
Six Minute Time Warp
On my way into work in the mornings, I drive up a very busy, very congested highway. Highway 45 is the major North-South thoroughfare that goes through Houston. As such, it has lots of intersections with other highways and roads,