Anais Acantonat – a mostly elven cleric of the goddess Sehanine Moonbow, the elven psychopomp deity. Anais is a Silvaeren Temple Cleric and has served her goddess faithfully for the last 10 years. Now, at 40, she has been sent on an errand to deliver a letter and a package to the High Priestess of the Temple of the Raven Queen in Waterdeep. She has been on the road approximately three weeks when she met up with Velo and Zeek in the twin towns of Ironford and Womford.

Velo de la Mascara – a dark-furred Tabaxi bard, of unknown origin (“far away lands”) who made his way to Waterdeep, only to discover that he found himself regularly roughed up living on the streets and busking there. He took to the Caravan that runs north to Yartar, down the Dessarin River, and then back to Waterdeep via the Long Road mostly out of curiosity and to get out of the city. He is used to being distrusted, and is thus far torn between his desire to perform and his desire to blend in.

Zeek – a black Aarakocra with red markings on his face and chest, the last surviving member of his tribe from the mountains north of the Dessarin Hills. Zeek’s wings are charred and burned, and he cannot fly (though he glides very effectively – It’s not flying, it’s falling with style) – party members suspect, based on his reaction to kobolds and to the Drake egg they found that whatever happened to him, it had to do with dragons. He is on his way to Waterdeep, looking for a magic item to help avenge his family members.

Van Whisperfool – a young, brown-skinned gnomish archer fighter, of unknown origin other than “from the general hills of the area”. Van was found captured in the Kobold Cave, and so far the party knows little about him. He has agreed to come with them to the caravan, presumably for safety.

Cassius Skarpi – a very tall, rail-thin human wizard with curly brown hair, freckles, and spectacles. How such a bookish sort ended up in the Slumber Hills the party has yet to discover. Cass is Waterdavian though, growing up the son of a courtesan there and spending most of his time in libraries. Oddly, for being a wizard, the party has not yet seen him use any magic. He was found alongside Van in the Kobold Cave, though the party does not know how the two ended up traveling together. He too has agreed to come to the Waterdavian caravan, also presumably for safety.

Caravan of Misfits – Full Party Introductions (so far)