Sometimes I think my brain inherently seeks balance. Or rather, that it craves balance, and I use my various hobbies and interests to help with that balance.

I find myself involved in a lot of long-term pursuits. I’m 3 months into a new job and still firmly “in training” – it takes at least 6 months, if not a year, to get the hang of everything. I’m walking to Rivendell (a 458 mile project) … two miles at a time. I’m continuing with therapy, where nothing happens quickly. I’m growing out my hair, which takes very little actual work (just gentle delicate care), but requires a good bit of patience at half an inch a month.

So when I turn around and think about something like knitting, I’m just flat out not interested in a project that’s going to take hundreds of hours of my time. I love knitting, and knitted things. But my stick-to-it-iveness is just running out on all the other things I have going. I crave projects that I can start and finish in an afternoon. Like making pickles. Or playing with fountain pens. Or writing a letter. Or playing with markers until I have a mandala.

In some ways, I’m a little sad – I miss the big crafting projects. I really enjoy doing them. I have a whole wall of shelves full of baskets of yarn and spinning supplies, and a closet full of sewing stuff. I know and love the satisfaction of working for a long time on something and then being really proud if it when I’m done.

But I just don’t have the attention span or the patience for anything that looming just now.

I started a knitted dishcloth about a month ago, and I’ve done about 15 rows. All in that first sitting. I’ve lost interest now. (I’ve repeatedly said that this is why I’m a blogger and not a novelist. I can write a story for 500 words, but not 50,000. I don’t have the attention span, and forcing myself to do it just makes me hate myself and my project.)

I also no longer have big chunks of time to work on stuff. If I get home from work at 5:30, take a 20-40 minute walk (35 minutes gets me 2 miles at a decent pace, but some days are more tiring than others), make dinner, eat dinner, and clean up/pack my lunch for the next day… it’s getting close to 8pm. I go to bed at 9pm. Blogging happens in that hour, as does any video gaming that might happen. If I have to take a shower, back that up by another half hour. I’m trying to reread The Lord of the Rings, but that’s not been working out so well – not because I don’t love it, but simply because I want to sit for more than 10 minutes at a time to read, and doing anything involves constantly stopping to look at the clock because I don’t want to run over.

Sitting down in my hour of project time and looking at 14 repeats of a 16 row lace chart just makes me want to cry.

But I can tackle a page of calligraphy practice. Or re-inking my pens. Or a letter to a friend. Or making a mandala. Or watching a bit of baseball and blogging.

I guess sometimes I just need “instant” gratification and to feel like I’ve actually accomplished something tangible.

Flex nibs and flexibility
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3 thoughts on “Flex nibs and flexibility

  • June 5, 2012 at 8:09 am


    (and she’s really looking forward to reading it. *grin*)

    If you ever want to try your hand at a medium-length writing project, you could join Saucy Ink. We’re halfway through the Dragon short story collection, but you could try and get in on the next one. Each interested member writes a short story and we all critique each others efforts (HEAVILY critique. We assume anyone who submits the story wants to know all the wobbly bits, even if it hurts to see them).

    But it’s not as long as a novel and still makes you feel hella accomplished. <3

    • June 5, 2012 at 8:43 am

      >>Tami : I’ve given it some thought! I’d love to participate, but I’m afraid of flaking out on you. Definitely let me know when the next one will be starting though? I’m not very good with ideas, but maybe something will jog my brain ๐Ÿ˜€ (it sounds really fun and like a good writing exercise, which is something I’ve not done in way too long)

  • June 5, 2012 at 10:11 am

    Anna, you talking about nibs tied right in to an article I was going to share with you anyway: Inks!

    Also, if you like, you can certainly join the Saucy Forumsโ€”all posts are available via RSS.

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