So I had an idle thought today and paged through WordPress to see when I created this blog. First post is on 17 April 2008. 

I created this space to have a place to put my ramblings that didn’t have a place on Too Many Annas, the now-defunct World of Warcraft and Roleplaying blog I used to write, and which I am still quite proud of.

Over the years I’ve posted on and off. Done a couple of “blog a post a day” months. I have about 300 posts in eleven years. That’s (on average) about 3 posts a month, but anyone who’s followed this blog knows it’s more like sixteen posts in six weeks and then no posts for six months. 

I’d like to try to change that. I know nobody reads blogs anymore, but frankly Twitter and Facebook aren’t the right place for me to put long form thoughts – Facebook is where I have to “do my job” in ADF, and Twitter is just odd and I mostly retweet things there. Or do long post threads because I’m thinking about something.

Anyway, I’m going to attempt to move the “random thinking about something” posts over here, so that I can better keep track of them. There will be some D&D, some SCA, some food, some mental health, maybe some dating or other things. I’ll still keep my ADF work separate, though I might cross post things if I feel like they’re suited to both blogs. 

We’ll see how it goes. I work through my thoughts better when I can think them “out loud”, and today I’m musing here instead of letting myself go down the anxiety spiral about the SCA (I knew it wouldn’t take long, so there we go). 

So here’s to eleven years and change of blogging. Really, I’ve had a blog in some form or another since Blogspot in 1998 (in high school), and it’s been a long strange trip through fandoms and hobbies. I’ve still got one friend from those old days (hi Chrissy!), and other friends I’ve picked up along the way.

Here’s to more thoughts, ramblings, and a place to gather myself about whatever happens to be on my mind. 

Holy Crap This Blog is Old
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