
Why is it that I feel horrendously guilty needing some personal space after spending two entire days surrounded by a myriad of inlaws, all of whom know my husband, want to refer to the fact that they knew him when

Long time coming

Alright – so I’ve neglected you, little blog that isn’t about video games and doesn’t require me to have massive professionalism to keep going. I apologize. Today a lot of people are talking about things like Hope and Change, drinking

Menu Planning

My inlaws are arriving this afternoon and will be leaving Monday morning.  This means I need menu plans!  By my count, with one dinner out for husband’s birthday, I need 2 dinners (pick 2 from fri/sat/sun), 2 lunches (sat/sun), and

Being Positive

So, since I’ve not been to the Gym yet, and I’m grumpy, allergic, and hungry, I decided to try being positive. there is enough money to pay the bills/rent (even if I don’t like writing the checks) there are stamps