I realize that this is likely viral (in the sense that you’ve all probably seen 14 links to it in the last two days), but … I can’t stop watching it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ-jv8g1YVI
Why is it that I feel horrendously guilty needing some personal space after spending two entire days surrounded by a myriad of inlaws, all of whom know my husband, want to refer to the fact that they knew him when
Long time coming
Alright – so I’ve neglected you, little blog that isn’t about video games and doesn’t require me to have massive professionalism to keep going. I apologize. Today a lot of people are talking about things like Hope and Change, drinking
Murphy’s Law
It would figure that, since I walk to the gym, a brand new Mexican restaurant would open up in the corner of the strip mall where the gym is located, and I would have to walk past the smell of
Menu Planning
My inlaws are arriving this afternoon and will be leaving Monday morning. This means I need menu plans! By my count, with one dinner out for husband’s birthday, I need 2 dinners (pick 2 from fri/sat/sun), 2 lunches (sat/sun), and
How many have you read?
The Big Read is an NEA program designed to encourage community reading initiatives and of their top 100 books, they estimate the average adult has read only six. According to another blogger, they encourage us to: *Look at the list
Easy, Economical Chicken Lasagna Casserole
This is based loosely around Annie’s Chicken and Spinach Lasagna. You will need: 1 large can of chicken breast meat, drained well 1 can of sliced mushrooms (optional) 1 medium onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, diced 1 large can Hunt’s
Being Positive
So, since I’ve not been to the Gym yet, and I’m grumpy, allergic, and hungry, I decided to try being positive. there is enough money to pay the bills/rent (even if I don’t like writing the checks) there are stamps
Tour de Fleece
Apologies in advance for the whining, but I’m a little frustrated. Granted, I did not manage to spin every day of the Tour, but I came pretty close (I did go on vacation for part of it, and airports don’t
Ok, who taught the Muppets how to use Youtube?
Gonzo, Camilla, and the Chickies present “Free Range Strauss“ Beeker (and himself) bring you “Ode to Joy“ The Swedish Chef and Beeker sing “Habanera” from Carmen Sam the Eagle with (what else) “Stars and Stripes Forever“ Oh – and Statler