So I was asked by One Pretentious Bastard for a Memory Playlist. This is (by far) not an exhaustive list, but it’s a start. Not all these songs are memories just of my parents, but all of them are songs
Thanks Mom and Dad, for all the Music
I’ve always loved music. Just about any music really, though I’ve spent the most time studying American music and Medieval/Early music. Needless to say, my iTunes playlists are pretty diverse. And every now and then I have music that shows
The Sandwich
I love fruit. Summertime is *not* my favorite season, but I can’t get past all the delicious, sweet fresh fruits that I can get right now. So when I heard a tip that our local Wal Mart (where I do
Politics, twice in one week?
Ok, I promise not to do it again. But after reading some stuff on a few other blogs, I felt the need to plug my favorite political columnist/podcaster. Meet Dan Carlin. He’s not a republican or a democrat. He’s probably
Cure for the Summertime Blues
So it’s hot. REALLY hot. and humid. And my apartment has no AC for the foreseeable future (or at least then next 5-6 hours). Usually when I’m grumpy and frustrated, I like to cook or bake bread. Running the oven
A kick in the teeth
Why is it that you can distance yourself from your emotions and make a decision because it’s what you *know* is right, and it’s what morally you know you should do – and people will still kick you in the
Conflict of Interest
I’m not one much to wear my politics on my sleeve, so I’ll try to keep this as brief as I can. I currently have a major conflict of interest in the political brouhaha that is the primary process and
Going on a diet
I know I know, the first thing you think of is Garfield: “Diet is just die with a ‘t’ at the end” But this isn’t that kind of diet. I’ve been somewhat inspired by all my cleaning out of stuff,
Returning to Normalcy
I’m not sure what it is about “holiday” weekends, but there’s something about getting back to the daily life that I always enjoy. Today’s “to do” list isn’t too bad, but I’m enjoying the familiarity of my routines again. What
Warning! Bad Pun Ahead!
What do you call an Egyptian traffic jam? Tootin’ car men. What does a gay horse eat? *wristflop* Haaaaa~aaaaaay!