While I realize that it is not my fault that my husband chose to wear his four pair of dress pants to the point where the fabric utterly gave out in the seat before telling me he needed new work pants…

… I also realize that I had all day to do laundry, and that his new pants arrived in the mail, and I could easily have washed them with the other loads of laundry before, say, 2am, so that he could go to work wearing proper clothing in the morning and not have his boxers visible through the holes in his pants.

I really need to stop procrastinating on laundry.

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2 thoughts on “Laundry

  • July 2, 2008 at 4:12 pm

    Heh. usually that would have been the solution, but he had to get up early the next morning for a meeting at 8am, and I (being a teacher) could sleep in. So I stayed up so he could not fall asleep during his presentation. 😀

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