It’s probably horribly superficial of me, but I love flowers – getting them is great, but I don’t care if I buy them myself. I love how they make the kitchen or table seem… happier?  Brighter, less like a tinny canned concrete apartment on the 2nd floor. Given the tiny, shade-ridden concrete porch, I can’t really grow many either.

So when I stopped in the Wal-Mart today (since the Wal-Mart sells things nobody else around here does), and there was a big bin of assorted flower bundles marked $4, I happily picked up three bunches, came home and grabbed a cute little pitcher, and arranged them.

All things considered, I’m pretty happy with them, and they look very sunny on my kitchen table.  (Or on my desk, since I tend to move them around so I can look at them when I’m going to be in here for awhile…)  Also had fun playing with the digital macro function on my camera.

Little Things

3 thoughts on “Little Things

  • January 30, 2009 at 10:03 pm

    It’s not superficial to love flowers. It’s superficial to love “bling” or to choose your friends based on how expensive their cars are. God made flowers and loving the things God made is never superficial.

    Also, those hole-in-the-wall bbq places are the best!

  • February 2, 2009 at 6:37 am

    I killed the only flowers my guy has ever bought me. True story.

    I went away for a week and he was taking care of my plants. I return and find this GORGEOUS leafy green plant with big purple flowers sitting on my apartment’s tiny deck. I have never loved a plant as much as I loved that one.

    Then something happened and I had to move. And I was an IDIOT and assumed because it was a cool day the plant would be fine in my car for a few hours. NOT SO.

    It is technically still clinging to life, but it hasn’t flowered since and has lost nearly all its leaves. It will never be what it was.

    I don’t think he cares nearly as much as I do, but I still feel guilty. >_>

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