About a year ago, I decided I wanted to register a device (at that point, no AoA, so it would’ve just been a device and not arms – now it’s arms!).  With a lot of help from the local herald geek in my barony (Hi Melissa!) – who really gets credit for this one, as it was her idea – I picked something that was simple, period, and which had a lot of visual interest without being busy or covered with “thingies” (I like the thingies on some sets of arms? But I couldn’t think of any thingies that I liked and which represented me without being too busy).

Anyway – it passed Kingdom about 6 months back, with complements from one of the people that is notorious for being grouchy about non-period arms.  I figured that was a good sign.

I found out this morning that it passed Laurel Sovereign at Arms, again with complements, and the device is officially “mine”.

Per pale azure and argent a chevron rompu counterchanged

What that means?

  • Per pale means it’s divided in half from top to bottom
  • azure and argent means blue and white/silver
  • a chevron rompu is the shape (click for a plain chevron rompu)
  • counterchanged means the colors swap places across the center line

My persona – Anne atte Rydeforde (basically Anne who lives by the reedy ford) – is a late 14th century lower noblewoman. She’s of enough stature to have pretty dresses… but not enough to have very many of them.  I think this suits both of us just fine.

SCA Arms Passed at Laurel
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2 thoughts on “SCA Arms Passed at Laurel

  • June 9, 2009 at 10:13 am

    Very lovely. And it looks surprisingly simple. Some of our heralds refer to that as “a good parking job”. Carefully placed to be 2 points away for 6-8 other submissions.

    Nibuca’s last blog post..Razorscale, all together now

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