So one of the goals that SSH and I have set for our house is to not use herbicides or pesticides unless absolutely necessary. (Fire ant piles are one of the few things so far that’s been necessary) We use
First Spring Harvest
Hopefully the first of many. That basket is completely filled with beans, and there will be more. The bean plants are covered with little beans still! (sadly the purple beans aren’t as prolific) The corn is about shoulder height, and
November Tomatoes!
While I can’t say much for the rest of the garden (other than the eggplants), I seem to have had pretty good luck growing second season tomatoes this year. The broccoli and cauliflower are growing well, but not producing, and
Anybody want pie?
It’s that time of year again, when the citrus around here are ripening and turning sweet! Citrus requires cold weather to turn sweet – the fruit has been set on the tree for several months. This year we’ll likely have
May Day
(warning: this story is not for the feint of skin conditions) So for good luck, on May Day, one is supposed to go out and frolic and wash your face with the May morning dew. This is supposed to ensure
Garden Update
April 2011 update, so that next year I can remember what was going on. I’m trying a few new things this year, so hopefully if I can remember to do these updates, I’ll have a nice little record. (I know,
How does your garden grow?
(Another sort of kum-ba-ya post for this week. Apparently I’m in that kind of mood.) Reason #1 (which is actually a few reasons): Because it’s fun. I get to spend time outside in the sun. I get to eat fresh,
Why did my plant die?
Why Did My Plant Die? by Geoffrey B. Charlesworth. You walked too close. You trod on it. You dropped a piece of sod on it. You hoed it down. You weeded it. You planted it the wrong way up. You