
Hopefully the first of many. That basket is completely filled with beans, and there will be more. The bean plants are covered with little beans still! (sadly the purple beans aren’t as prolific)

The corn is about shoulder height, and so are the tomatoes. No little corns yet, but lots of little tomatoes – the one that was ripe is a patio, and both patio plants are plastered with fruit as well (so much that one is top heavy enough to threaten to fall over every time I nudge it. Glad I have it caged!)

The herbs are also doing well, especially the butterfly bed. Zillions of lizards too, and at least one brown earth snake. I’ve not seen as many honeybees as I’d like though 🙁

First Spring Harvest

One thought on “First Spring Harvest

  • May 7, 2012 at 9:23 pm

    *Beautiful* harvest. That tomato looks delicious!

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