Sometimes, on a morning in September, you spare a thought to wonder when the sun will come up – you know the light is getting later in the mornings, and coffee comes before the dawn. And then a single raindrop
Southern Rain Wisdom – August Thunderstorm
There is a thunderstorm here. The good kind. The kind that rustles up on a late summer afternoon, dropping warm rain and warm breezes, with rolling cloud thunder that rumbles along the prairie for miles and miles and miles. The
Morning Pages and Morning Blogs
A Patreon I support has started a new sub-community for artists that involves The Artists Way practice of morning pages. I’m not sure I want to commit to 750 words longhand every day, but I would like to try blogging
Day 30
Well, I made it. 30 days and blog posts later, I completed NaNo Blog Thing. While I’m not sure I’m a better blogger for it (this was more about getting back into my blogging groove than it was about learning
Traumas and Blog Prompts
One of the things that NaNoBlogThing does for its members is provide the occasional prompt for a post. Like most collections of blogging prompts, these are usually benign creativity boosters and story prompts to help out someone that gets stuck
NaNo What Now?
Many NaNo’s. Handle it. NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) has spawned a whole batch of NaNo tadpoles these days; people inspired by the idea of doing something creative for 30 days in a row, bolstered and supported by a community
Can we read your handwriting?
*crossposted from Seven Deadly Divas, click through to see their handwriting too!* A few varieties of handwriting memes have been making their way around the web – there are tumblr and flickr ones, as well as the one I stumbled
Fountain Pens are like Potato Chips
*crossposted from Seven Deadly Divas* It’s really hard to just have one. Because you buy one, and then you want some fun ink for it. And you can’t just buy ONE ink, so then you have two inks, and only
How I Write
In 10 simple steps, my creative process for blogging and writing short stories: Step 1 – Have an idea. Possibly mine said idea out of twitter, emails, conversations, comments, or creative friends Step 2 – Start writing something. Be unhappy
Fingers Crossed
Sent off an email last night about a potential new writing contract thingy. I’m allowing myself tentative excitement, and hopefully will hear back from them today!