Ever since we moved into this house (going on 3 years now, sheesh!) SSH and I have known we needed a new dishwasher.

Until very recently, we needed a lot of other things more pressingly than a new dishwasher, especially since TECHNICALLY the old one still did run, even if it was almond colored. You had to wash everything before you put it in the dishwasher, half of the top rack’s tines were broken, the sprayer didn’t wash the top rack so all the glasses had to go in the bottom, the dial on the front was finicky so you had to dump about 2 quarts of hot water in or the first cycle would grind because it didn’t fill properly, and usually stuff came out crusted with crud regardless.

So we put it off, knowing that functioning plumbing was more important, and good insulation was more important, etc.

That lasted until we both realized that having 10 people in this house for Thanksgiving with a barely functioning dishwasher was going to mean handwashing all of the dishes after every meal. I don’t mind handwashing pots, and I don’t mind handwashing the good china, but neither of us was OK with handwashing everything for 5 days.

The finances worked out alright, plus we got a really good sale, AND we got free delivery and haul away of the old beastly thing. SSH decided (after uninstalling the old one) that he was capable of installing the new one, so we’re both pretty excited.

Said dishwasher of shiny new awesomeness was supposed to be delivered between 11 and 1 today. They called last night to tell us, and at 6:45 am (!) to remind us… and then showed up at 9:30 anyway. Fortunately SSH was still home, both of us having overslept, so I didn’t have to answer the door in my PJs.

And now I have the whole day ahead of me, instead of having to wait for the repair guy!

I think I might take my laptop (with it’s shiny new battery) down to the seawall. It’s a little chilly, but I think the ocean would do me some good.

Dishwasher Delivery
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2 thoughts on “Dishwasher Delivery

  • November 17, 2011 at 12:31 pm

    Awesome! Congratulations, both on the new shiny AND on the laptop seawall excursion!

  • November 18, 2011 at 7:10 am

    Woo hoo! As Tami said, Congrats on the new dishwasher *and* the day off!

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