So one of the things about this house that the cats absolutely /love/ is the screen porch. They sit out there and bask in the sun and then lay on the cool floor in the shade – quite literally all
Writin’ for the man
I applied for a couple of new editing jobs today, and one extra freelancing job. I really like the work I do for the Advisor, but it can be a pretty involved process. In some ways, the Advisor job feels
On Blogging
While the writing of an angry email or post is often incredibly cathartic, posting it is usually about as effective as writing a really angry letter and sending it. You might feel better or vindicated now, but you’ll probably feel
Movin’ Right Along
The kitchen is de-wallpapered, plastered, primed, and painted. All 83 cabinets/drawers have new hardware (It only took my buying out THREE Home Stores to get enough.) The refrigerator is plugged in and working. The dishwasher has a new “stainless” front
Lack of Competition
Let me preface this story by saying that both Comcast (for cable/internet) and AT&T (for wired land phone lines) have no competition in our area if you want *cable* TV and a dial tone that is a LAND line, not
9:16 am, March 2
Twenty five years ago yesterday morning (in a world before cell-phones and computers) a young man flew from his home in New Jersey to Cleveland, Ohio for a two day business trip – his last business trip for awhile, since
Problems with ROY G BIV
The actuality of the house is finally approaching – we’re scheduled to close on Thursday afternoon. Which means decision time on some big things like a fridge and washer/dryer and what color we’re actually going to re-paint these rooms (after
Updatey Things
House stuff: As expected – the mold test results came back positive. Very positive in some cases – but all in very localized locations. Our… special seller’s original response was “well can we just get a contractor in to replace
Keeping my fingers crossed
One of the things we know about buying an older home (the one we want to buy was built in 1976), is that they usually have some issues. Those issues are compounded when the previous owner doesn’t truly care for
For Real
Original post here Some Americans are brown. Some are white. Some are black. Some are some combination thereof. Some are Pacific Islanders. Some are indigenous people to this land. Some are from families that owned slaves. Some are from families