
“God grant me the serenity to know the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference” Or something like that. Anyway – there are lots of things going on

Change over Time

In keeping with the change theme (and because these pictures make me feel pretty – which is incredibly shallow, but there you go), proof that things do change, even if very very slowly. The first picture is from May of


Why is it that I feel horrendously guilty needing some personal space after spending two entire days surrounded by a myriad of inlaws, all of whom know my husband, want to refer to the fact that they knew him when

Long time coming

Alright – so I’ve neglected you, little blog that isn’t about video games and doesn’t require me to have massive professionalism to keep going. I apologize. Today a lot of people are talking about things like Hope and Change, drinking