Today, a few people that I think ought to get awards/hugs, because they have created or done something that makes my life more wonderful on a daily basis.

  • The person(s) who invented scoopable, flushable kitty litter.  No longer do I have bags of poo in my trash.  Just flush ’em away!
  • The person(s) who invented stacking, locking-lid plastic storage containers. When we moved, we had to pitch a lot of nasty, melted storage things.  I bought a new set.  My “tupperware graveyard” is gone, and in its place are neatly stacked containers with their matching lids.
  • The person(s) at Google that thought up Google Documents, making blog posting, story sharing, and writing collaboration easier than ever.
  • (The) God(s) for inventing raspberries.  Nom nom nom.

… I had other things but I can’t think of them now, so I’ll probably just edit this to add them back in later.  Gah!

Random Hug Distribution
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2 thoughts on “Random Hug Distribution

  • April 8, 2009 at 8:12 am

    You and me both. I must find this flushable kitty litter of which you speak. Clumping I’ve got, flushable I’ve never seen before.

    Lewis’s last blog post..I’m still here, honest

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